Modern Electronic Voice Phenomenon Mastery
Become an Expert in Electronic Voice Phenomenon
Rightfully Earn the Respect Of Your Fellow Paranormal Investigators!
Gain a comprehensive knowledge of EVP & the practical skills toconduct, evaluate, and analyze it.
Learn methods to make your EVP data almost indisputable by others.
Paranormal Workshop Description
Gain knowledge and practical skills from 2 signifcant areas of EVP study:
Leading Research Organizations in psi & paranormal phenomena. Examples include the Rhine Research Center, Association for Transcommunication, Parapsychology Association, and the Society for Psychical Research. Committed. Institutes dedicated to committing scientific standards in the face skepticism & resistance.
Current Paranormal Investigators using the latest paranormal equipment & newest techniques to successfully capture EVP in the field.
Leave with a well-rounded perspective ranging from current scientific research and know the most innovative approaches to collecting electronic voice phenomena data from the entire paranormal community.
This Paranormal Training is Designed For:
New Investigators Wanting To Learn A New Paranormal Skill &
Experienced Investigators That Want To Improve On Already Great EVP Results
EVP, a phenomenon so profound that even the CIA has dedicated resources to its investigation.
Uncover the compelling evidence that suggests a continuation of communication beyond the veil of death.